【同义词辨析】 2019-08-26 开脱exculpate-vindicate

exculpate: implies a clearing from blame or burden: I cannot ~ myself of the charge of overenthusiasm. 如辩方律师需要找exculpatory evidence无罪证据   (词根CULP表示罪guilt,如culprit罪犯肇事者culpable应受指责的inculpate控告(exculpate反义词)mea culpa认错,拉丁文原意是through my fault,现在等于I apologize)

absolve: implies a release either from an obligation that binds the conscience or from the consequences of its violation: ~d the subject from his oath of allegiance.

exonerate: implies a complete clearance from an accusation or charge and from any attendant suspicion of blame or guilt: a committee ~d the governor from charges of bribery.

acquit: implies a decision in one's favor with respect to a definite charge: ~ted of murder by a jury.

vindicate: may refer to things as well as persons that have been subjected to critical attack of imputation of guilt, weakness, or folly, and implies a clearing through proof of the injustice or unfairness of such criticism or blame: an investigation ~d the senator on all counts.

exculpate开脱: 指摆脱指责或负担,absolve免除责任: 指免除某项责任及其后果,exonerate宣告无罪: 指完全摆脱指控及怀疑,acquit被判无罪: 对特定指控作出有利判决(即宣判无罪),vindicate辩护证明无罪无过错: 表示在某人或某物被指责批评(认为有罪软弱愚蠢)时,通过证明这种指责批评的不公正,使其将之摆脱

记忆方法: 1)首字母EAEAV想成EEVAA夏娃<==开脱

        2)开脱的意思是摆脱指控负担mean to free from a charge or a burden.         free,release,clear没有区别,都表示摆脱束缚限制禁闭等,这里交替使用不必区分,可参考2018-01-24 解放free-manumit